1. Mithral – Grade 20, 55m.
Pitch 1 is grade 18, 30m. Pitch 2 is grade 20, 25m.
First ascent: A. Scott & P. Wooley.
2. Boogy On By – Grade 19, 40m.
Can be done in two pitches (19 & 17) First ascent: A. Scott & P. Wooley.
3. Minstrel In The Gallery – Grade 17, 20m.
First ascent B. Higgins & T. Lourens
4. Goldberry – Grade 22, 25m.
First ascent: A. Scott
5. Choc-a-bloc – Grade 18, 20m.
First ascent: A. Scott
Difficulty: 17-22 on the South African grading scale.
Route markers: All 5 routes are bolted and there are double top anchors also.
Permits & Cost: No permit needed as far as we know. You do need to cross the Kurland brick/wood yard for the approach for which you might need permission.
Contact numbers:
Directions: Head out of Plettenberg Bay towards Port Elizabeth. Just After you pass through the Crags, about 20km out of Plettenberg bay, look out for the Kurland Brick turn off. Turn in here and find parking beyond the brick and wood yard.

Turn off: S33 56.451 E23 29.333
Parking: S33 56.521 E23 29.682
Crag: S33 56.569 E23 29.921
Other: The water in the streams is safe to swim in, the dark colour is due to the tannins and humic acids from the leaves on the forest floor. It is not suggested that you drink from this specific stream.

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